Our services

Member Analysts

For the trade
By the trade
With the trade

Independent analysis ensuring high quality commodities are traded

FOSFA trading members rely on a worldwide network of fully independent member analysts to provide accurate and up-to-date contractual analysis certificates on oilseeds and oils and fat traded commodities.  

The consumer demands high quality safe food from supermarkets and manufacturers; demands that are being reflected in the way commodities, which are handled, inspected and anaylsed under FOSFA contracts, are transported within the modern raw material supply chain.



Laboratories that are part of the FOSFA Member Analysts Scheme (Full or Associate) are independent and not directly associated with any company or firm engaged in the trading of FOSFA contracted products. They are recognised by the Federation for the purpose of analyses carried out under the terms of our contracts. 

Member analysts agree to comply with the requirements of the scheme, including the terms and conditions and methods of sampling and analysis detailed in our Technical Manual, when analysing commodities being traded on FOSFA terms.

Want to know more?
Learn more about the technical services we provide to the trade

Analyst member requirements

Analyst members are accredited by FOSFA International to be a member in either the oils and fats section or the oilseeds section, or can be a member in both sections. There are two categories of analyst membership, Full Analyst Member (L1) or Associate Analyst Member (L2) and in each section, all contractual analysis tests have been classified by the Technical Committee as either mandatory or optional:

Mandatory tests: Contractual analysis tests that all analyst members in a particular category are required by the Federation to be able to conduct at any time, as per the conditions of their membership. 

Optional Tests: Contractual analysis tests that full analyst (or associate analyst in case of the oils and fats section) members have declared to the Federation that they are capable of conducting at any time, as per the conditions of their membership. The declared analytical capabilities are updated annually and are available to view in the Capabilities Chart. 

Member Analysts Scheme Documents

Contractual Methods of Analysis

Contractual Analysis Seals

Technical Manual

Interested in becoming a FOSFA analyst member?
Complete the application form

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What our Members say . . .

Source: FOSFA International Membership Survey Results 2021

Full Membership
Associate Membership
Attend meetings
Vote in meetings
Serve on committees
Elect Full Broker members or one of their representatives to serve on the Federation’s section committees
Nominate as many representatives as they wish, but only one shall be included in the basic subscription
Receive a discount on services provided by the Federation, should the Council allow
Benefit from free use of the consultancy and advisory service (except where legal or specialised advice is provided and charged to the Federation) where costs shall be passed on, but under notice