Make a payment

Please enter the payment amount below. We will collect your invoice information and other details in the next step.

Payment Amount: £

For Bank Transfer Payments

If you wish to make a Bank Transfer instead of a card payment please use the bank details below:

Bank: The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc


Bank Account Number: 20849471
Sort Code: 15-20-25
Swift/BIC Code: RBOSGB2L
IBAN No: GB57 RBOS 152025 20849471
Beneficiary Name: FOSFA International

Please state your account reference and invoice number or order details on the bank transfer.

Full Membership
Associate Membership
Attend meetings
Vote in meetings
Serve on committees
Elect Full Broker members or one of their representatives to serve on the Federation’s section committees
Nominate as many representatives as they wish, but only one shall be included in the basic subscription
Receive a discount on services provided by the Federation, should the Council allow
Benefit from free use of the consultancy and advisory service (except where legal or specialised advice is provided and charged to the Federation) where costs shall be passed on, but under notice