
For the trade,
By the trade,
With the trade

Compliance and quality protection

The Technical Committee supervises technical procedures to ensure the execution of the contract complies with the quality and specifications of terms agreed in the contract. They also validate the quality of traded goods to ensure best practice in carriage and transportation.

The committee works alongside the Oilseeds and Oil & Fats committees to consider any scientific, technical or quality matters that affect the international trade in FOSFA commodities on behalf of the Council, and make recommendations where appropriate.

The Technical Committee is composed of nominated members who have extensive experience in the global trade and transportation of oils, seeds or fats, its analysis or the superintending of vessels. The Chair attends Council meetings as required.


Technical Committee team

Mr Gabriel Krapf (Chair)

Technical Expert Oilseeds (Saipol)

Dr Gretel Bescoby (Secretary)

Technical Manager FOSFA International

Capt Mike Beviss

Representing Shipowners (IPTA)

Mr Stuart Clark

Harris Tobias

Ms Adina Creanga

AarhusKarlshamn Global (Belgium)

Mr Franck Dejean

Technical Expert Oils and Fats (ITERG)

Mr Teun Eigenraam

IOI Global Services Sdn Bhd

Dr David Howells

Dr David Howells

Mr Anton G Hutten

Bunge Loders Croklaan

Mr Shyam Lakshmanan

IOI Edible Oils SDN BHD

Mr Edy Lim

Cargill BV – Refined Oils Europa

Mr Chris Ranschaert

Representing Superintendents and TIC Council (SGS)

Mr David Robertson

Archer Daniels Midland (UK) Limited

Mr Bruce A Tappy

Commercial Representative Oils and Fats (Tapcom (International) Limited)


Commercial Representative Oilseeds Representing FEDIOL

Mr Robert van Kempen

Representing NOFOTA

Mr Mar H F Verhoeff

Representing Analysts (Dr A Verwey BV)

Have questions?

Learn more about the technical aspects of our trading contracts

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