By the trade,
With the trade

Keeping global trade simple and reliable
The Oilseeds Section Committee works alongside the specialist committees as custodians of fulfilling, developing and discharging the Federation’s policies, procedures and priorities. The committee represents all industry sections, including traders, processors, analysts, surveyors, distributors and shippers.
The committee is composed of between 10 and 18 industry elected members. Up to three additional members including kindred associations may be co-opted to the committee. The Chair and Vice-Chair also sit on the Council.
The Oilseeds Committee

Ms Dessislava Barzachka
Bunge SA

Mr Gerben Bok
(Vice Chair)
Mostert Oilseeds BV

Emily Bensusan-Sterry
FOSFA International
Mr Jonathan M Cowens
J Cowens Associates Ltd
Mr Lucas Dorrestein
Viterra BV
Mr Philippe Linder
Guangzhou Green Oil Industrial Co Ltd
Mr Jose Lopez Puche
ACM - International
Ms Elena Marwah
Cargill International SA
Mr Thierry Ruppe
TIC Council
Ms Yulya Shulga
Montfort Trading FZE
Mr Matthias Vehring
ADM Germany GmbH
Our other Committees
Oils and Fats Committee
Contracts Committee
Arbitrations and Appeals Committee
Technical Committee
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