Oils & Fats
Section Committee

For the trade,
By the trade,
With the trade

Keeping global trade simple and reliable

The Oils and Fats Section Committee works alongside the specialist committees as custodians of fulfilling, developing and discharging the Federation’s policies, procedures and priorities. The committee represents all industry sections, including shippers, receivers, traders, analysts, superintendents and brokers.

The committee is composed of between 10 and 18 industry elected members. Up to three additional members including kindred associations may be co-opted to the committee. The Chair and Vice-Chair also sit on the Council.

The Oils and Fats Section Committee

Mr Robert van Kempen

Marvesa Oils and Fats BV

Mr Olaf F Timmermans
(Vice Chair)

Viterra BV

Emily Bensusan-Sterry

FOSFA International

Mr Leonid Aronov

COFCO Resources SA

Mr Sam Beer

M W Beer & Co Ltd​

Capt Mike Beviss


Mr Luc De Villele

Louis Dreyfus Company
Suisse SA

Mr Andy Edmonds

TSL (Trading Services London)

Mr Teun Eigenraam

IOI Global Services Sdn Bhd

Ms Catherine Geers

Fuji Oil Europe

Mr Marcel Henneman

Bunge Loders Croklaan BV

Ms Nathalie Hogarth

Cargill International SA

Mr Hauke Jebsen

Thywissen GmbH

Mr Ezequiel Manovil

Losur BV Sucursal Uruguay

Mr Francesco Morici

Navquim BV

Mr Malcolm Osseweijer

KLK Emmerich GmbH

Mr Mariana Paradela

Bunge Iberica SAU

Mr Bruce Tappy

Tapcom (International) Ltd

Mr Guido van der Heijde

Representing NOFOTA

Mr Peter Maasland

Stolt Tankers BV

Mr Chris Ranschaert

Representing TIC Council

Our other Committees


Oilseeds Committee

Contracts Committee

Arbitrations and Appeals Committee

Technical Committee

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Full Membership
Associate Membership
Attend meetings
Vote in meetings
Serve on committees
Elect Full Broker members or one of their representatives to serve on the Federation’s section committees
Nominate as many representatives as they wish, but only one shall be included in the basic subscription
Receive a discount on services provided by the Federation, should the Council allow
Benefit from free use of the consultancy and advisory service (except where legal or specialised advice is provided and charged to the Federation) where costs shall be passed on, but under notice