Rules of Arbitration
and Appeal
For the trade,
By the trade,
With the trade
By the trade,
With the trade
Setting the standards for an impartial dispute resolution service
The Rules of Arbitrations and Appeals set the guidelines of how the FOSFA arbitrations and appeals service will operate when disputes arise from trades using FOSFA Contracts.
The rules relate to the two tier arbitration service. Each party involved in the arbitration agrees to abide by these rules, whether or not they are members of the Federation.
The rules are available free of charge to members.
Non-members can purchase the rules for £15.
The rules cover:
- Procedure for claiming arbitration and time limits
- Appointment of arbitrators
- Lapse of claim
- Procedure for arbitrations
- Jurisdiction
- Procedure for arbitration awards
- Procedure for claiming appeal and time limits
- Procedure for appointment of boards of appeal
- Procedure at appeals
- Withdrawal of appeals
- General
Our Arbitration Services
The Guide to Arbitration and Appeals
Small Claims Single Tier Rules of Arbitration
Rules of Arbitration for Brokerage, Commission and Interest
The Code of Practice for Arbitrators
Arbitrator Time Sheets
Contact us
What our Members say . . .
Source: FOSFA International Membership Survey Results 2021
85% said: "Membership of FOSFA is an advantage when trading commodities"
74% said: "FOSFA Contracts help me trade more confidently"
70% said: "FOSFA Arbitration Services make me more confident if something goes wrong"
83% said: "FOSFA Technical Services ensure best practice in the carriage and transportation of goods"
81% said "FOSFA membership provides valuable contract and networking information"
62% said: "FOSFA educational courses help me understand the trade better"