About us

Meet the Team

For the trade,
By the trade,
With the trade

FOSFA International Secretariat

The FOSFA International Secretariat is based in London and provides the administrative and technical support that enables the Federation to fulfil its governance responsibilities to members and deliver the operational and strategic objectives agreed by Council and its Committees.  

Our small team works with the sixty-five people from the trade that serve on our Council and five specialist committees including: Oils and Fats, Oilseeds, Technical, Arbitration & Appeals and Contracts. In addition, we work with our Kindred Associations around the world through partnership and collaboration to promote and fulfil our objectives.  

We also organise FOSFA International events that include the Annual Dinner, Oils & Fats Dinner and our two residential education courses.

 We look forward to meeting many of you throughout the year and assisting and supporting your ongoing membership of FOSFA International.  

The FOSFA International Secretariat

Iain Nicol


Dr Gretel Bescoby

Technical Manager

Emily Bensusan-Sterry

Head of Arbitration & Governance Manager

Albert Myint

Accounts Manager

Gemma Tang

Senior Administrator/Membership Secretary

Tiffany Lark

Arbitration Assistant

Sheetal Shekhar

Office, Operations & Events Administrator

Our other Committees

Oilseeds Committee

Oils and Fats Committee

Contracts Committee

Arbitrations and Appeals Committee

Technical Committee

Want to become a FOSFA member?

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Full Membership
Associate Membership
Attend meetings
Vote in meetings
Serve on committees
Elect Full Broker members or one of their representatives to serve on the Federation’s section committees
Nominate as many representatives as they wish, but only one shall be included in the basic subscription
Receive a discount on services provided by the Federation, should the Council allow
Benefit from free use of the consultancy and advisory service (except where legal or specialised advice is provided and charged to the Federation) where costs shall be passed on, but under notice